Essie Bahama Mama (Matte)

Danas pričamo o jednoj Essie lepotici. Moja kolekcija lakova nije velika ali se trudim da kupujem pametno te retko kad posežem za onim minijaturnim lakovima od 50 dinara. Kupujem isključivo boje za koje znam da će se često naći na mojim noktima.
Essie Bahama Mama je preeeedivna tamna nijansa magente. U bočici je izgledala za nijansu svetlije i iskreno plašila sam se kako će izgledati na noktu ali oduševila sam se. Boja je prikladna za apsolutno sva godišnja doba! O kvalitetu nema potrebe govoriti, tekstura i trajnost ni ovog puta nisu izostali. Dugo nisam nosila mat nokte pa sam odlučila da ovu boju isprobam u kombinaciji sa Aura Matte Top Coat-om. Čini mi se da ovaj top coat dodatno produžava trajnost laka na noktima. Nosila sam ih nedelju dana i nisu mrdnuli, bukvalno. I ovaj sam kupila na popustu i platila sam ga 450 RSD.

Today we'll be talking about another Essie beauty! My nail polish collection isn't really big but I choose every single one of them wisely! I buy only those shades that I'll be wearing for sure! 
Essie Bahama Mama is a gorgeous, dark magenta colour. It looks a shade or two lighter in the bottle so I was kinda worried if it would look okay but it left me amazed! The shade is appropriate for every season. The quality is great as usually, the texture and longevity are outstanding. I decided to wear this shade with the Aura Matte Top Coat and I have a feeling that the top coat makes it last even longer on my nails! I bought it with a discount..again! The price was around $4.  

Koja je vaša omiljena Essie nijansa?

from Makeup by Ilona

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Godinu dana blogovanja i poklon za vas!

Kada sam kretala sa pisanjem ovog bloga nisam ni slutila da ću kroz godinu dana postići ovoliko. Htela sam samo da podelim svoju ljubav prema šminkanju sa drugim ljudima, povremeno, kroz neki tutorial. Ne želim pričati o brojkama ali mogu slobodno reći da sam ponosna na sebe i pre svega zahvalna svima vama koji ste u mom blogu videli nešto vredno praćenja, nešto drugačije. 
I danas, kao i tada, ovaj blog shvatam kao zabavu, mesto gde provodim slobodno vreme i gde delim iskustva sa vama.

Pored toga što me pisanje bloga podstaklo na vežbanje i konstantno usavršavanje mojih mogućnosti kao šminkera, naučila sam mnogo toga. Popravila sam svoj rad i ekspresiju i kroz samo godinu dana postigla jako dobre rezultate. Pored toga upoznala sam divne ljude. Želim prvo da se zahvalim Tanji sa bloga Tanya Minxy Nails što mi je pomogla da napravim blog! Da ne bih zaboravila neku od divnih blogokolegenica samo ću reći da sam zaista zahvalna što su konstantna podrška, one će se već pronaći u ovome :D

Volela bih da nastavim sa pisanjem još dugi niz godina u istom ritmu kao i do sada, a verujem da ću to i uspeti sve dok ima vas divnih ljudi koji me redovno čitate!

Kao i skoro svaki bloger, pokloniću vam mali znak pažnje jer ste uvek tu! Odabrala sam par proizvoda koje lično koristim i obožavam i želim da ih isprobate i vi!

Poklon sadrži :
Ebelin Duo četkicu za nanošenje senki
Golden Rose Cat Walk maskaru
Essence Gel lak Dare it Nude
Nyx Loose Pearl Eyeshadow Nude
Aura olovku za obrve 04
Brooklin olovku za usne u Kylie Jenner nijansi
Poklon iznenadjenja!

Uslovi učešća


1. Podelite post koji sam podelila na fejzbuk stranici (klik ovde).
Podela mora da bude javna! (znači označite public/javno)

2. Pretplatite se na moj youtube kanal (klik ovde)

Neobavezni (doneće vam veće šanse za osvajanje poklona):

Pratite me na bloglovin'-u (klik ovde)

Htela bih da mi u komentaru napišete da li biste nešto promenili kod mog bloga i zašto me čitate. Hvala vam što ste tu i dodjite na tortu! 

from Makeup by Ilona

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Yennefer (Witcher) makeup look

Pre par dana je izašao dugo čekani Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Jedan od likova koje smo svi jedva čekali da vidimo jeste Yennifer. Kako vas ne bih previše zamarala sa pričom (ili spoilovala nešto) ukoliko želite da znate više o njoj ili o samoj igrici posetite ovaj sajt.

Planiram da napravim celu seriju lookova, samo treba naći vremena! S obzirom na to da ona na slici nema zatvorene oči ili šta god bilo je jako teško odraditi nešto slično umetniku koji je crtao nju. Ja nisam želela da pretrpam svoje lice šminkom jer ne volim takve "transformacije" te sam se potrudila da ne "menjam" svoje crte lica jer su njene toliko drugačije od mojih da je prosto nemoguće šminkom postići toliku promenu. 

Product list:

Revlon ColorStay Mousse 
Maybelline FitMe 105
Maybelline FitMe Powder 110
Nyx Taupe

Nyx hot Singles Suede
Nyx Nude Mattes Skinny Dip
MUG Corrupt
Maybelline Eyestudio Gel Liner Black
Ebay 120 palette (blue & white & silver)
Golden Rose Cat Walk Mascara

Nyx Whipped Caviar
Mac Angel

Da li ste igrale neki od Witchera? Kako vam se dopada? 

from Makeup by Ilona

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Šta misle da radim & šta u stvari radim

Opšte je poznato da ljudi neretko imaju iskrivljena mišljenja o blogerima. Ovo je moj komičan odgovor na tu temu.

Šta internet misli da radim? Plivam u besplatnim proizvodima

Uglavnom ljudi misle da novi blogeri počinju sa ovom avanturom isključivo zbog sponzora. Ima istine u tome, veliki deo blogova nastane kako bi pokupio free pr uzorke, napisao par postova i to je to. No, to se oseti i takvi blogovi ne potraju dugo. Tačno je da su blogeri u neku ruku povlašćeni jer imaju priliku da prvi isprobaju nove linije proizvoda kako bi ih predstavili publici, idu na fensi evente i slično ALI ništa od toga ne dolazi tek tako. Za svaki taj proizvod moraš da napišeš post ili daš neki feedback, slikaš, edituješ, pišeš. Generalno moraš da uložiš puno vremena pre nego uopšte dodješ do toga nivoa da neko želi da baš ti predstavljaš njihov brend. Nije sve tako bajno ali jeste zabavno!

Šta moj dečko misli da radim? Pravim previše selfija

Sada generalno mogu da koristim blog za izgovor za slikanje svoje našminkane face u svakoj prilici.

Šta društvo (society) misli da radim? Svašta loše po samopouzdanje devojaka

Misli da beauty blogeri iskrivljuju društvene vrednosti i zastupaju fake lepotu ispred svega.
Malo se šalim, ali samo malo. Biti beauty bloger ne znači nužno biti zastupnik cake face-a i fotošopiranih ideala.

Šta ja ustvari radim?

Šminkam se u pauzama od učenja i provodim sate slikajući šarene kutije i šminke u uglu svoje sobe dok se derem na ogledalo jer ne umem da namestim fokus na aparatu.

from Makeup by Ilona

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Zombie Veins? [REWIND]

I remember doing this video specifically for several reasons. It was 2012, and I was on a roll with creating videos. This was the first time that I used an airbrush on my YouTube channel, and most definitely, looking back, wish I would have thinned out the Temptu paints. Hey, with age comes wisdom, eh? Okay, well not for everyone, haha!

Oddly enough, this was my very first video in which I had people messaging me and asking me if it was okay for them to recreate this look. Yes! Of course it's okay, why would you even ask!? It's a specific memory for me, as this was also the first person to learn from my videos, and then leave me in the dust, claiming no knowledge of my videos, or who I even am. It was the first time I felt disheartened that a person could be so set on "getting famous" off of another persons work, and still is to this day, that they would completely forget where they came from, or the people they were cool with. It was my first lesson to let things go, and not all people learn with good intentions. After all, at least I know he learned something from me, and my job was done. It was also a lesson of something I never wanted to do. I never wanted to discredit anyone, never wanted to be a show off, and definitely never wanted "fame" to ever cross over my friendships. In life, there are few people that will stay by your side through rough times, and fewer who will not only love what you do, but lift you up and support you.

I always wanted to establish a community on my channel, and to this day, I still keep things as they were a long time ago - a bully free zone, and yes, I still want people to recreate my tutorials, despite people being "people". Fame doesn't matter to me, and has never, and I mean never mattered to me. My goal for my channel was and always will be to teach others techniques, and how creativity can be an escape from your life problems. It was a lesson learned that not everyone has/had the same visions I do.

"Strong people don't tear others down, strong people lift up those around them." 

I don't want to be the best of everything in life, I want us all to succeed, all to learn, and all to understand that makeup is so much more than just makeup - It, for me, is an art form, and a way of life.

At this point in my "makeup life," I was still terrified to put anything on and/or around my teeth! I always had a worry that I would use a product, and have to get my teeth pulled out or get veneers because they would be permanently stained all for a makeup look! I am not easily convinced that things will not stain my teeth, even though things like tooth decay are made to be put on the teeth. Later on, like now, I have no issue putting FX makeup on my teeth. And yes, just like the labels say, tooth decay, and things of that nature do come right off. You can also used Skin Illustrator palettes to temporarily color your teeth!

Oh god! I filmed this in the kitchen. My Grandpa was still around when I was filming this video, which definitely brings back some (sad) memories. Most days, its crazy to think that he has been passed away now for two years. He was watching TV while I was filming this, and had to have him mute the TV and stay SILENT while filming this part of the video. Obviously you guys dont know him, but it was very hard for him to stay quiet, hahaha. I tried to film these clips as quickly as possible, and tried to speak as softly as possible so he couldn't listen to me talking. This is additionally funny because he was sitting right there, and there's no way in the world he couldn't hear what I was doing... he was watching me do it, HAHA!! Silly Lex.

I once had someone ask me, 

"Why would you save all of your old videos? That's stupid. It's uploaded onto YOUTUBE." 

Well, realistically, YouTube may not be around forever. Let's hope it is, but when I am older, even right now, I enjoy looking back on my old videos. It brings back specific memories like my Grandpa sitting at the counter, how shy I was, how nervous I was, yet how I was not afraid to put myself out there for the sake of helping other people. There are just memories in life that you wouldn't remember if they weren't caught on camera. I enjoy being able to feel what I felt a long time ago, whether the feelings are good or bad. Our experiences mold us into who we are as a person. 

If I were to give advise to a new "youtuber," I would definitely tell them to always save their videos on an external hard drive. You never know what turns life will present you in which you will enjoy looking back on the present, as the present will one day be the past.

from The MadeULook Blog

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Danas vam pišem o jako lakom receptu koji čini čuda za kožu! Dugo sam čitala o dejstvima koja kafa može imati na kožu i pre jedno par meseci sam prvi put napravila masku i oduševila se. Vremenom sam je prilagodila svom tipu kože što predlažem i vama.

Sastojci: kafa (sveže izmlevena), ulje za kožu po izboru, 1 belanac
Kafa pomaže u regulaciji crvenila i ožiljaka od akni kao i kod podočnjaka. Kao piling ona otklanja mrtvu kožu i vraća joj život. Ulje koje dodajete u masku hidrira kožu a belanac je zateže i pomaže kod finih linija!

Today I'll be talking about an amazing skin savior recipe! I've been reading about the benefits that coffee has and I've decided to include it in my skincare a few months ago. You should adjust the ingredients so that it can do it's magic to your skin!

You'll need: Ground coffee, an oil of your choice, 1 egg yolk

Coffee helps reducing redness, acne scars and puffy eyes! As a scrub it removes the dead skin and brings back life to your face. The oil you'll be adding moisturizes and the egg yolk tightens your skin and it's great for fine lines!

Sve što treba da uradite jeste da u belanac dodate ulje, izmešate, zatim dodajete kafu dok smesa ne postane homogena i ne previše gusta! Zatim je nanesete na celo lice i čekate dok se ne osuši. Zatim možete samo da je sperete ili iskoristite kao piling!

Everything you'll need to do is add the oil to the egg yolk, stir stir stir, add the coffee and stir until it's well blended but don't make it too thick! Then apply it on your skin and wait til it dries. After that you can just rinse it off or you can use it as a scrub!

Da li ste probale nešto slično? Kako vam se dopalo?

from Makeup by Ilona

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FOTD - Glam look

Nisam nosila crveni karmin mesecima! Trudim se u poseldnjih nedelju dana da radim raynovrsne stvari kako bih vežbala, nikad dosta vežbe realno. Klasicni smokey eye sa trakom radim i previše pa sam odlučila da ga malo dopunim nečim zanimljivim. Boje kao boje su neutralne i možda nekome dosadne ali tu je crvena da sve popravi! :D 

Product list:

Eveline 2in1 concealer
Nyx Taupe Blush
Givenchy Prisme again blush
Nyx Loose Pearl Eyeshadow Nude


Nyx Eyeshadow Base
E.L.F 144 eyeshadow palette
Nyx Suede palette
Nyx Hot singles Suede
MUA Glamorous Nights
Maybelline Eyestudio Gel Liner
Mac 48 Lash
Golden Rose Cat Walk Mascara
Nyx Loose Pearl Eyeshadow Nude

Maybelline ColorDrama 510
Golden Rose Velvet Matte 23

Kako vam se dopada? 

Pratimo li se na instagramu?

from Makeup by Ilona

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Od skoro se u drogerijama mogu naći nove Garnier Micelarne vode za kombinovanu, masnu i osetljivu kožu. S obzirom na to da sam bila jako zadovoljna klasičnom, roze micelarnom, kupila sam i ovu. Ja imam kombinovanu i osetljivu kožu. Za cenu od oko 480 RSD dobijate 400ml proizvoda, može se naći u skoro svim drogerijama (DM, Lilly). U nastavku prednosti i mane ovog proizvoda kao i micelarna na delu. 

As you probably know, Garnier came up with a new Micellar Cleansing Water for combo, oily and sensitive skin. As I loved the pink one I had to try this one out. I have an oily T zone and overall sensitive skin so it sounded promising. For 400ml you'll pay around $5 and you can find it almost everywhere. Keep reading for pros&cons.


Bukvalno u dva poteza može skinuti vodootpornu šminku i maskaru / You need two swipes to get all of your waterproof makeup off
Odnos cene i količine / Price - Qunatity relation
Potrebno je jako malo micelarne za celo lice, znači da će boca potrajati / You don't need much for your whole face so it'll last long


Ja ih otkrila nisam / There are none

Da li ste probale ovu micelarnu i koju inače koristite?

from Makeup by Ilona

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Rumenilo je dekorativni proizvod koji najmanje koristim, no od skora sam počela da pronalazim načine da se osećam "udobno" sa njim na licu.  Givenchy Prisme Again! Blush Quartet u nijansi Loving Pink je luksuzno rumenilo sa četiri nijanse pink boje. Dolazi u prelepom pakovanju na dva nivoa, gore je rumenilo a dole se nalazi četkica koja je začudjujuće dobra. Dobijate 6g proizvoda za oko $40 (ups). Čini mi se da je Givenchy prestao da proizvodi ovu liniju jer sada vidjam samo "Le Prisme" liniju kojoj se donji deo sa četkicom izvlači a ne otvara. Cena jeste velika za ovako minijaturnu stvar ali verujem da će jako dugo trajati jer retko koristim rumenila pa mi je to opravdanje.
Pigmentacija je dobra, nije previše jako te možete da se opustite sa četkicom bez straha da ćete izgledati kao klovn. Sve boje su mat! Lepo se stapa sa kožom i još bolje blenda. Kutijica je mala te je super za putovanja jer neće zauzeti previše mesta a ponećete sa sobom 4 nijanse rumenila! 

I don't really use any blush in my life but in the last few weeks I started getting comfortable with it. Givenchy Prisme Again! Blush Quartet in Loving Pink is a luxurious product that every makeup junkie needs in life. It has 4 wonderful pink shades and it comes with a brush in a "hidden" compartment under the actual blush. I don't think they make this anymore because they came up with this new version "Le Prisme" which has a sliding brush compartment. 
You get 6g of this for $40 and yes it is a lot but it's a high-end product and if you're like me you can treat yourself with it because it will last forever. All 4 shades are matte. They're are easy to blend and the pigmentation is good enough so you don't have to be careful with the brush, you won't end up looking like a clown. The packaging itself is very small and versatile so it's great for your travel makeup staples. 

Da li ste probale nešto od Givenchy kozmetike?

from Makeup by Ilona

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Man, oh man, am I happy that I am reuploading my old videos. It's always nice to look back and see how much you have improved, or the differences you have made. No matter how much you grow, always continue to have fun. But, uh... if you have to ditch the weird not so zombie movements, I won't stop you. Hey, whatever eats your zombie brain!
Because I enjoy to write, and never shut up, whether its in writing, in person, in a video, on the phone (you get the point), I wanted to create another blog post looking back on remembering my thoughts during this old video from 2011, and what I think now. When this video was filmed, I was 18 years old.

"Zombie movements, zombie movements. Sexy zombie movements? Um. Can zombies be hot? Can we make this a thing? I feel attractive."

Fun story! Channeling a memory of the time my mom got eyelash extensions, and I thought they were so incredibly ugly, I started bawling. I was also 14 years old. This snippet of realization an eye prosthetic might not be comfortable for someone with long eyelashes also was inspired by someone I knew at the time who had the same eyelash extensions. I didn't cry that time. Partially because I wasn't fond of the woman, and partially because I was 18 years old. Note, if they were on my mother again, I still would cry at 22 years old. You're beautiful without eyelash extensions, Mom. Happy Mothers Day.


Another fun story! Don't actually rip Spirit Gum off of your face, it exists for a reason. Actually, I made this pre-watching another makeup artist rip off an actors eyebrow on set because she didn't have Spirit Gum remover. Yikes! I was honored he requested me as his makeup artist the next day. Then again, I think I would have also. I actually made the EXACT same facial expression for both occasions! Full circle.

Just in case you were wondering what your face looks like when ripping off Spirit Gum instead of remover. Visuals work best.

Alexys Fleming from Madeyewlook

Teaching you to tap the spirit gum since 2011

Also using BH Cosmetics on YouTube since 2011

"I might as well just use the entire body. Im really bloody. Im really messed up. This zombie must have had an awful death. Actually, zombies don't usually die. I think i'll display it at the end of this video. A little bit of backstory."

Also, just for the next time I tell you not to cover your prosthetics in blood because it ruins all the detail. Oh! By the way, it also hides the edges really well. A bloody edge was better than a regular edge! Erm, apparently...

Be sure to check out my comments on my first video I ever uploaded to YouTube here and check out that video here


from The MadeULook Blog

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My First Video [FLASHBACK]

I remember this exact day of uploading and creating this video. I actually started this video pretty late at night. Funny thing is, what you guys DO NOT see in the video are lamps balancing on my bed, towels down all over my bed so I don't get makeup on my sheets (inevitable), my messy finger printed laptop, full of body paint that WAS NOT water based easy to come off paint (ahem), and the general madness that was actually this video.

I always get asked the questions

"What camera do you use?"
"What editing program did you use?"
"What ________________"

I never, ever, mind comments, questions, or concerns, but for these? They dont matter. It doesn't matter what I use now, because what I use now is not what I started out with. Now, if you told me that you have already started making videos, and have been using what you have, then I would be a little more willing to help you out and give you my opinion on what camera to upgrade to next, and share a little more of what I use. The reason I don't? I know too many teenagers and kids now a days (not categorizing) will just ask their parents for equipment (which there is nothing wrong with), or will just GASP at the price of higher end equipment.

Getting started on YouTube is absolutely not about being the best of the best, comparing yourself to your idols, or about having the best of the best, its about being the best version of yourself that you can be, and having fun while doing it. So what your audio is off, you're nervous, you might not know what to say, maybe you say too much, maybe you have a hard time getting comfortable with the fact that realistically you are talking to yourself (much like I am doing right now), but I am not, I am talking to you. So what if your video doesn't turn out like people who have been doing it for years? Maybe the lighting is wrong, maybe the video is shaky, maybe its blurry in spots, but you know what? That is how you LEARN. 

If you start with the best, you are missing all of those moments in which you will have learned to appreciate better cameras, lighting, and editing programs. Having expensive stuff doesn't make you the best, just like being famous doesn't mean that you should be (not targeting any Kardashian).

Looking back on my very first video, this is what was going through my mind.

"Oh god, I sound like a guy on camera. Maybe I should try lightening my voice up a bit. Don't project? Lex, don't you dare project your voice like the theatrical person you are. Uh.. "Tehe!" Is that better? Sigh. 

*this silliness lasted about three videos, and gradually, I started to talk more and more normal, the better microphones that I got that did not deepen my voice even more. I was over it. This is the only thing I have ever changed about myself for camera, and why? It was stupid to do, and literally the only thing I hate about all of my old videos, that I didn't speak like I normally do. I mean, then again, at this point I was still kind of shy, my Grandma was asleep in the next room, and I didn't want my family to know I was filming because it would have made me nervous. They could only see ONCE IT WAS DONE! Then again, it is funny now when I get comments that I talked normal "back then" and change my voice now. *face palm* should have just talked normal since the beginning. 

"I should probably alert the public how much I hated using these products. It did get the job done though, so, you know. This is what I used. It also burned. That should be enough to teach them not to use this. Perfect!"

"You're welcome for sharing my honest experiences with you. Long beginning? Deal with it. I just saved your paint from drying out, because I KNOW you'll lose that cap."

"Is this even?" 

"This is not even."

"I look terrifying. This is amazing. I want to be a skull every day."

"I wonder if my mom is wondering what I am doing in her closet with the lights off... She shall soon see my creation from my LAB!!!! MWAHAHA"

Putting up a video on YouTube takes a couple of things, several things actually; drive, determination, creativity (in whatever subject), and most importantly, the passion to show someone else something, or teach them something. Any type of social media should never be gone into thinking that you are going to be the next Michelle Phan. You don't want to be Michelle Phan. Why? Because you should always want to be exactly who you are, and never like anyone else. You should never want to even be me. I hope I can inspire you to bring out traits and passions in yourself that you did not even know that you had, and that I can show you being creatures and characters is not only fun, but a great way to relieve your stress. Maybe you don't take up makeup, maybe my videos can just make you melt your stress away from your day. If I can at least lighten YOUR day a little more, my job is done. After all, when do you ever hear about a skull stressing out? You don't. Skulls are pretty chill objects, and kind of scary.

- Lex

from The MadeULook Blog

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