Napokon me nebo počastilo dobrim osvetljenjem za slikanje i snimanje! Snimila sam prvi video u 2016. godini i nadam se da će ova zaista biti uspešna youtube godina, gde ću se malo više posvetiti svemu i opravdati vaše poverenje. Moje utiske iz Praga možete pročitati OVDE a kupovina je napokon bila uspešna u svakom smislu te reči. Precrtane su stvari sa wishliste, nisam skretala sa iste i ispunila sam obećanje sebi a to je da ulažem u kvalitetniju šminku i ne trošim novac na prosečne stvari. Napisaću listu proizvoda uz kratke prve utiske, više pogledajte u videu OVDE.
LUSH Granny Takes a Dip Bubble Bar - Predivno miriše i lepo neguje kožu. Prvenstveno smo hteli bath bomb jer lepše izgleda ali smo greškom uzeli bubble bar. Pravi puno mehurića ali zbog zelene i plave boja kupke izgleda jako ružno.
LUSH Big Bang Bubble Bar - Miriše na limetu i sadrži arganovo ulje, savršeno za energetičnu kupku! Voda izgleda plavo i koža je ultra mekana nakon korišćenja.
LUSH Coalface - Ukoliko ste u mogućnosti da uzmete ovaj proizvod a imate masnu kožu imate moju preporuku. Uz piling četkicu dubinski čisti pore i koža se manje sija nakon koriščenja.
THE BODY SHOP Tea Tree Skin Clearing Mask - još jedan proizvod namenjen kombinovanoj ka masnoj koži. Miriše užasno ali mi je lice nakon skidanja maske bilo mekano kao svila sa prirodnim sjajem koji ne izgleda masno. Ne osuši se skorz tako da morate da "ljuštite" masku sa lica već se ispira vodom.
LUSH Granny Takes a Dip Bubble Bar - Smells amazing and the skin feels amazing afterwards but it makes the water look awfully brown. We've mistaken it for the bath bomb and we bought the bubble bar instead of it.
LUSH Big Bang Bubble Bar - It makes the water look wonderfully blue and it smells like a lime heaven. It has argan oil so it's really moisturizing and refreshing.
LUSH Coalface - If you have oily skin this is the thing for you! In combination with the face brush it makes a great deep cleansing soap leaving you with soft skin and a natural glow that doesn't look oily!
THE BODY SHOP Tea Tree Skin Clearing Mask - Another product for combination to oily skin. It smells horrible but my skin never looked better after using it. It doesn't totally dry so you have to wash it off with warm water.
LUSH Big Bang Bubble Bar - It makes the water look wonderfully blue and it smells like a lime heaven. It has argan oil so it's really moisturizing and refreshing.
LUSH Coalface - If you have oily skin this is the thing for you! In combination with the face brush it makes a great deep cleansing soap leaving you with soft skin and a natural glow that doesn't look oily!
THE BODY SHOP Tea Tree Skin Clearing Mask - Another product for combination to oily skin. It smells horrible but my skin never looked better after using it. It doesn't totally dry so you have to wash it off with warm water.
TOO FACED Semi Sweet Chocolate Bar - Novogodišnji poklon on moje bradatije polovine. Već dugo je na wish listi i jako sam srećna što je napokon imam u kolekciji. I da, stvarno miriše na čokoladu, i to onu divnu mlečnu!
SEPHORA Cream Lip Stain 13 - Jako dobar tečni ruž koji definitivno morate da probate. Nijansa je divna i super je uz svaki look. Preživi večeru i praško ne filtrirano pivo bez problema.
NARS Audacious Lipstick Audrey - Skakutala sam ceo dan kad sam kupila ovo. Boja je jako čudna. Tokom dana je jako lepa berry nijansa a tokom noći izgleda crvena. Kamera prosto ne može zabeležiti boju kako treba.
NARS Audacious Lipstick Audrey - Skakutala sam ceo dan kad sam kupila ovo. Boja je jako čudna. Tokom dana je jako lepa berry nijansa a tokom noći izgleda crvena. Kamera prosto ne može zabeležiti boju kako treba.
MAC Face & Body N1 - Uzela sam ovaj puder jer nemam nijednu N nijansu iz ove linije a zimi mi odgovaraju više nego C. Lagan je na koži a ima srednju prekrivnu moć, ništa bolje od toga.
MAC Smoked Purple - Divna tamno braon nijasna. Tekstura je super i nanosi se ravnomerno i ne skuplja oko suvih delova usana.
MAC Smoked Purple - Divna tamno braon nijasna. Tekstura je super i nanosi se ravnomerno i ne skuplja oko suvih delova usana.
TOO FACED Semi Sweet Chocolate Bar - A present from my beardier half. It's been on my wish list for a while and I'm so happy to finally have it in my collection.
SEPHORA Cream Lip Stain 13 - A great liquid lipstick in a great shade.
NARS Audacious Lipstick Audrey - I was so happy that I've literally jumped around the whole day when I got this! The shade is so unique that I can't really describe it nor take a proper picture of it.
SEPHORA Cream Lip Stain 13 - A great liquid lipstick in a great shade.
NARS Audacious Lipstick Audrey - I was so happy that I've literally jumped around the whole day when I got this! The shade is so unique that I can't really describe it nor take a proper picture of it.
MAC Face & Body N1 - I've bought this because I don't own any N shades from this line and they suit me better than the C ones in winter. It's really lightweight but it has medium coverage, the perfect combination!
MAC Smoked Purple - An amazing dark purple shade. The texture is great, it applies evenly and doesn't budge around the dry spots on my lips!
MAC Smoked Purple - An amazing dark purple shade. The texture is great, it applies evenly and doesn't budge around the dry spots on my lips!
Nars Audrey, Mac F&B N1, Mac Smoked Purple, Sephora CLS 13 Da li ste koristile nešto od ovih proizvoda i kako vam se sviđa moj izbor? |
from By Ilona
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