A few days after the New Year's the postman brought me back my long luscious hair I've cut short years ago. Irresistible Me gave me the chance to have long hair again thanks to their clip in hair extensions. 

The extensions are made out of 100% human remy hair to ensure a minimal difference between them and your natural hair. I chose the Royal Remi Hair Extensions in Natural black with a the length of 22", weight of 200 gr and the price of $299. The colour is literally a perfect match but I wish I'd chosen the shorter ones because the difference between the layers is huge and I'll probably have to cut them a bit. Every lock has tiny clips that are seriously durable and will hold on to the tiniest amount of hair! You get different sizes of locks and some spare hair clips. They look totally natural but they do smell like Barbie hair. The hair thickness is equal along the length and the ends look very natural and healthy. It has a nice shine to it and the quality is amazing.
Even tho the extensions are good on their own, you'd have to style them because otherwise the difference will be obvious. I find that the hair looks the most natural with clip in extensions if you curl it. You can also wear them in a pony tail or in braids, the possibilities are endless. I didn't really have the need for something like this it's really nice to have different options since a new hairstyle changes your whole outlook.
Malo posle Nove godine mi je poštar doneo, nešto čega sam se pre dve godine otarasila, dugu kosu. Irresistible me mi je ponudio priliku da isprobam njihove esktenzije i napišem šta mislim. Kako mi se svidela ideja da ponekad ponovo imam duge kose (iako je moja bila duža od ovoga) pristala sam, jer kud' svi blogeri tu i ja. 

Ekstenzije su od 100% prirodne kose tako da osiguravaju da se razlika ne primećuje ukoliko odaberete pravu boju i dužinu. Ja sam odabrala Royal ekstenzije u boji natural black, dužina od 22 inča i teže 200 grama. Cena im je $299. Boja savršeno pristaje mojoj, bukalno su identične zbog čega sam jako srećna jer se zaista ne vidi razlika...barem u boji. Bilo bi mi draže da sam uzela kraće jer ću ove najverovatnije morati da šišam kako bih smanjila stepen izmedju moje prirodne kose i ekstenzija. 
Na vrhu kose su šnale koje su iznenadjujuće čvrste. Držaće se čak iako ih zakačite za najmanji mogući pramen, što će odgovarati osobama sa tankom i retkom kosom. Kvalitet same kose je zaista dobar. Mekana je i ima divan svilenkast odsjaj ali ja moram da priznam da me miris podseća na miris kose na barbikama. Krajevi takodje izgledaju prirodno i debljina dlake je ista celom dužinom.
Dobijate puno različitih pramenova sa 1, 2, 3,4,5 šnala i rezervne šnalice. Jako se lako nameštaju, prvi put mi je pomogla drugarica a sutra sam probala sama i trebalo mi je oko sat vremena da ih zakačim i uvijem. S obzirom na to da ove ekstenzije baš i nisu lake, ukoliko zakačite sve, osetićete težinu na glavi zato zaista ne preporučujem da ih nosite danima.

It's not hard to style them even if you don't have any hair-styling experience. It took me around an hour to clip them in and curl them. The don't require any special treatment when it comes to styling, just do the same as you would with your own hair. I'd recommend choosing a length that's not much longer than your natural hair because like that you could wear them even without curling/straightening the hair. 

Ukoliko ne isfenirate kosu ili je ne uvijete/ispeglate biće jako očigledno da imate ekstenzije, barem ukoliko je velika razlika izmedju dužina vaše kose i njih. Ukoliko želite drastično dužu kosu moraćete da žtrvujete sat vremena i više kad god vam padne na pamet da promenite imidž. Ali ako se dobro snalazite sa aparatima za stilizovanje kose, verujem da će vam biti potrebno manje vremena. U svakom slučaju nije ih teško namestiti niti zahtevaju ikakav poseban tretman. 
Sumnjam da bi mi ikada palo na pamet da kupim ovo sama ali je definitivno zanimljiva stvar koja vam u potpunosti može promeniti izgled. Pored klasične ravne ili uvijene kose, možete je nositi u repu ili u pletenicama jer se šnale ne vide u kosi. 

Kako vam se dopadaju i da li ste ikada razmišljale o nadogradjivanju kose?

*this post was sponsored by Irresistible Me, for more info read the disclaimer. 

from By Ilona

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