sigma performance eyes sigma spa sigma cleansing sigmagic
As you all probably know, the right tools for work are one of the most important things for a flawless makeup application. The best tools don't always have to be the most expensive ones, but as you invest more in your brush kit the quality of your work will change immensely. I always favored SIGMA, as one of the brands with the biggest variety and brush quality there is.First of all we need to conclude that you can't take care of your brushes without a good and safe way to clean them! I've always been on the soap side but Sigma surprised as all with a 100% natural brush shampoo! That and my Sigma Spa Express Cleaning Glove are the perfect combination for clean brushes.

SIGMAGIC ($15) brush shampoo is a 100% natural cleanser that consists of virgin coconut oil and sustainable palm oil. It breaks down all the waterproof makeup with just one pump. It's advised to be used directly on the brush but I pump it on the glove and dip the brush in the cleanser. You'd need one pump for eye brushes and two pumps for face brushes. Since it has oils it will take care of the bristles and the brushes will look completely new after every wash session! 
PERFORMANCE EYES SET (SALE $59) is the perfect eye brush set for the lovers of details. It's perfect for a good cut crease or just a very detailed blend. I use them almost every day and the quality is beyond great! You can also use them for your lower lash line, lips and concealer. 
SIGMA SPA EXPRESS CLEANING MAT ($25) literally changed my life. I don't have to use my hand as a mat anymore and the texture helps me clean all kinds of brushes. i use the sides for eyeliner and eyebrow brushes, the back for eye brushes and the front for face brushes. It's amazing and it comes really handy when you have to wash more than 20 brushes in one turn.

Kao što svi već znamo, kvalitetan alat je jedna od najbitnijih stavki za besprekorno nanošenje šminke. Najbolji alat ne mora uvek biti i najskuplji ali ulaganjem u svoju kolekciju kvalitet vašeg rada će se drastično promeniti. Oduvek sam naklonjena SIGMI, kao jednom od brendova sa najvećim izborom kvalitetnog i profesionalnog pribora za šminkanje. Pre svega moramo zaključiti da ne možemo brinuti o svojim četkicama bez bezbednog načina za čišćenje. Priznajem da sam oduvek na strani klasičnog pranja sapunom ali nas je Sigma iznenadila 100% prirodnim šamponom za četkice. To i Sigma Spa Express Rukavica za čišćenje su moja savršena kombinacija! 

 ($15) šampon za četkice je 100% prirodna čistilica koja se sastoji od devičanskog kokosovog ulja i palminog ulja. Rastvara vodootpornu šminku sa samo jednom pumpicom. Za veće četkice će vam biti potrebne dve, dok četkice za oči možete očistiti jednom pumpicom. Preporučeno e da se proizvod nanosi direktno na četkicu ali ga ja nanosim na rukaicu za čišćenje.
PERFORMANCE EYES KIT (NA POPUSTU $59) je najsavršeniji set četkica za sve ljubitelje detaljisanja. Ukoliko volite dobar cut crease ili precizan blend nećete pogrešiti kupovinom ovog seta. Može se koristiti i za donji kapak, usne i korektor. Kod mene je obavezna stavka u svakodnevnom šmikanju.
SIGMA SPA EXPRESS CLEANING MAT ($25) je nešto što je zauvek promenilo način na koji brinem o svojoj kolekciji četkica. Zamenilo je moj dlan a sama tekstura takoyvane rukavice je savršena za čišćenje apsolutno svih četkica. Deo sa strana koristim za četkice za ajlajner i obrve, prednji deo za četkice za lice, a zadnji za četkice za oči. Defintivno korisna stvar kada perete više od 20 četkica u jednom "zalogaju".

from By Ilona

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