Danas vam pišem o jako lakom receptu koji čini čuda za kožu! Dugo sam čitala o dejstvima koja kafa može imati na kožu i pre jedno par meseci sam prvi put napravila masku i oduševila se. Vremenom sam je prilagodila svom tipu kože što predlažem i vama.

Sastojci: kafa (sveže izmlevena), ulje za kožu po izboru, 1 belanac
Kafa pomaže u regulaciji crvenila i ožiljaka od akni kao i kod podočnjaka. Kao piling ona otklanja mrtvu kožu i vraća joj život. Ulje koje dodajete u masku hidrira kožu a belanac je zateže i pomaže kod finih linija!

Today I'll be talking about an amazing skin savior recipe! I've been reading about the benefits that coffee has and I've decided to include it in my skincare a few months ago. You should adjust the ingredients so that it can do it's magic to your skin!

You'll need: Ground coffee, an oil of your choice, 1 egg yolk

Coffee helps reducing redness, acne scars and puffy eyes! As a scrub it removes the dead skin and brings back life to your face. The oil you'll be adding moisturizes and the egg yolk tightens your skin and it's great for fine lines!

Sve što treba da uradite jeste da u belanac dodate ulje, izmešate, zatim dodajete kafu dok smesa ne postane homogena i ne previše gusta! Zatim je nanesete na celo lice i čekate dok se ne osuši. Zatim možete samo da je sperete ili iskoristite kao piling!

Everything you'll need to do is add the oil to the egg yolk, stir stir stir, add the coffee and stir until it's well blended but don't make it too thick! Then apply it on your skin and wait til it dries. After that you can just rinse it off or you can use it as a scrub!

Da li ste probale nešto slično? Kako vam se dopalo?

from Makeup by Ilona

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